A strong elementary education sets the stage for success in high school. An academically stimulating and challenging high school sets the stage for success in college and beyond. Our children thrive in Riverdale's small classes where top-notch teachers create personal connections and individualized learning experiences.
Contributions to the Riverdale Foundation make our small school environment possible and provide funds for delivering the high quality education our unique community expects.
Gifts from the Riverdale Foundation to Riverdale School District are not restricted funds. Consistent with past practices and Foundation policy, any money raised in excess of the Annual Campaign goal may be held in reserves or disbursed at the request of the Superintendent. As always, all financial decisions and district spending are at the discretion of the Riverdale School District Superintendent and School Board and are not directed by the Riverdale Foundation.
For more information on funding, please click here.
2024-2025 Annual Campaign at a Glance
The goal for 2024-2025 is $1,200,000. Suggested giving levels are:
$4,500 per student (grades kindergarten - 12) for resident and transfer families.
$750 per student (grades kindergarten - 12) for tuition families.
$1,500 for neighborhood community residents.
Families who meet suggested level and donate an additional $1,000 per family will be recognized with and asterisk (*) signifying "extra mile" status on the donor list. We will be changing the format of our annual Donor Recognition list this year. Donations will be recognized in categories based on amount of total donation. Families who donate at or above the suggested level will still be recognized as such.
Participation matters! We are a community and together we can achieve our goals. We hope every family will participate at a personally meaningful level.
The Annual Campaign begins on Monday, October 14, 2024. Donations and pledges may be made until Friday, December 8, 2023. Pledges must be fulfilled by April 25, 2025. We encourage all families to pursue employer matches if they are available. The Annual Campaign encompasses “Giving Tuesday” on December 3, 2023. Some companies give multiplied matches if applied for on this day.
Please help us build the Foundation for your children's education and make your donation today!
Board Members
The Riverdale School District Foundation was incorporated on August 6, 1993. The sole purpose of Foundation is to raise funds for and make distributions to Riverdale School District 51J. The Executive Committee that includes the President, Secretary and Treasurer(s) oversees the Foundation along with the 17 member Board of Directors.
Executive Leadership
Paul Stefan, President
Shelyea Belfiore, Co-Treasurer
Michele Rossolo, Co-Treasurer
Shelley Hilderbrand, Secretary
Allison Williams, Campaign Co-Chair
Aryn Mayor, Campaign Co-Chair
Board Members
Craig Arrowsmith
Donna Avedisian
Tina Brown
Adria Cassidy
Sam Fletcher
Dorothy Friedrich
Stephanie Gault
Andrew Gibson
Juliet Hillman
Kristen Kohnstamm
Milessa Lowrie
Suzi Maddocks
Kim Mauer
Eric Mulligan
Katie Schenning
Christina Stelling
Jeanette Sung
Donor List
Thank you to all the families who participated in the 2023 - 2024 Annual Campaign. Click the button below to view our donor list.
Matching Gifts
Please investigate whether your employer supports corporate matching as it can add up to a big difference. Last year’s campaign generated an additional $140,000 by donors seeking a match from their employer.
Corbett Society
The Corbett Society was founded in 2017 for those wishing to name the Riverdale School Foundation in their estates or wills, and was expanded in 2024 to also include those who have donated for ten or more years to the Foundation. This legacy society is named after the Corbett family, who settled in Oregon in the 1850's, eventually built several homes in Dunthorpe, and with a passion for education and community, were pivotal members of Riverdale's founding and evolution for many generations.
“Our sole mission is to bridge the gap between state school funding and the true cost of providing an outstanding educational experience for every child in our district.”
— Amber Hillman, Riverdale School Foundation Past President
From the Blog
I thought now would be a good time to share the collective enthusiasm about the strength and vigor of our children’s new educational experience.